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2017 Guru Gochar Predictions for Mesha Rashi

2017 - 2018 Guru Transit Results for Aries Sign (Mesha Rasi):

The Guru becomes the lord of 9th and the 12th house for the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives. The 9th house is considered to be one of the most benefice houses in the Vedic Astrology; and the 12th house is considered as the malefic houses in the Vedic Astrology. Thus, the Guru becomes the benefice lord by owning the benefice 9th house; and the Guru becomes the malefic lord by owning the malefic 12th house. Thus, the Guru is capable of delivering both good and the bad results for the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives, depending on its position and its strength in the Binnashtakavargha in the individual’s native Rasi Chart.

The Guru will transit into Libra Sign (Thula Rasi) from the Kanya Rasi (Virgo Sign) for the next 1-year period (approximately). The Guru will transit into Libra Sign on 02.09.2017 as per the “Vakkiya Panchangam”; and into Libra Sign on 12.09,2017 as per the “Thirkkanitha Panchangam”. The “Vakkiya Panchangam” is the Panchangam that has been followed traditionally by the temples and spiritual bodies in India @ the calculations are more centric towards India. The “Thirukkanitha Panchangam” are the corrected version of the “Vakkiya Panchangam” which had been completely synchronized with the present day “English Calendar” @ the calculations could be used in any part of the world using the details of latitude & longitude and time zone details.

The Guru would transit into Libra sign (Thula Rasi) from Kanya Rasi (Libra Sign) on 12.09.2017.

The Guru would be eclipsed from 12.10.2017 to 11.11.2017

The Guru would remain retrograde from 09.03.2018 to 10.07.2018

The Guru would exit the Libra Sign (Thula Rasi) and enters Scorpio Sign (Viruchika Rasi) on 11.10.2018.

The Guru would traverse through the Chitra (Chittirai), Swathi and Visaka Nakshatras during its current transit into Libra Sign (Thula Rasi)

The Guru would be positioned in the 7th house, Thula Rasi for the next one year. The 7th house is owned by the Venus; and it is considered to be the malefic house for the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives. The Guru would be positioning itself in a zodiac sign, which doesn’t offer a comfortable (or) friendly stay during its transit into the Thula Rasi (Libra Sign). Let us see the probable results of Guru’s transit into Thula Rasi (Libra Sign) on the life of Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives for the next 1-year period.

1. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would maintain stronger ties (or) greater interactions with their father/paternal relatives/grandchildren; despite facing unease on the relationships. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

2. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would maintain weak & uncomfortable ties/intearctions with their father/paternal relatives/grandchildren. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

3. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would be able to proceed well with their visa & immigration related activities; despite facing many hurdles. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

4. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face hurdles and also setback on their visa & immigration related activities. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

5. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face uncertain lifestyle while living abroad; (or) face unease interactions with all type of foreigners. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

6. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would be able to enjoy better results on their research related activities despite facing many hurdles (or) setbacks. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

7. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) students who pursue PG level college education would be able to enjoy better results despite facing many hurdles (or) setbacks. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

8. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would involve more on spiritual activities despite facing many hurdles (or) they would remain highly spiritual due to their own difficulties. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

9. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would have disturbed sleeping pattern; but sleeps for more time. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

10. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would have disturbed sleeping pattern; and sleeps for lesser hours. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

11. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would get more chances to get involved in sexual relationships with their partner in an uncomfortable environment. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

12. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face disappointing chances to get involved in sexual relationship with their partner. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

13. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would find it difficult to control their expenses; and would spend less due to paucity of funds (or) manage their financial commitments with the external financial help/borrowings. This would happen only, if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.

14. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face excessive expenses (or) higher level of financial commitments; and find it difficult to control it; but possess enough financial resources to meet the expenses and manage the financial commitments. This would happen only, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha.

15. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face expenses that would absorb their complete income (or) earnings.

16. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would enjoy gains and also face expenses through their extended family relationships.

17. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would spend time/money on spiritual activities; but enjoy multiple gains through it.

18. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would spend time/money on new inventions (or) research; but would gain lot of improvements too.

19. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would remain highly creative, spiritual and intellectual; but would also develop interest in sexual issues; and also fell lazy (or) lethargic too.

20. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would also develop regressive ideas within their inner mind.

21. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would spend time/money with their friends/brothers & sisters; and would have enjoyable interactions too.

22. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would maintain amicable ties/interactions with their laborers/junior level employees; but spend more time/money with them.

Guru’s Eclipse from 12.10.2017 to 11.11.2017:

1. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face unplanned spending (or) find it difficult to manage their spending patterns/financial commitments.

2. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face hurdles/setbacks on the issue getting enough chances to get involved in sexual relationships.

3. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face disturbed sleeping pattern.

4. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face impasse on their relationship with their father/paternal relatives/grandchildren.

5. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face stalemate on their visa/immigration related issues.

6. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would be bogged down on all important issues in their life while living abroad.

Retrograde Guru from 09.03.2018 to 10.07.2018:

1. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face unplanned expenses; and inability to control the expenses.

2. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face erratic sexual involvement with their partners.

3. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face highly unpredictable lifestyle while living abroad.

4. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would remain inconsistent with their social/spiritual activities.

5. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face unpredictable position on their visa/immigration related issues.

6. The Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives would face irregular interactions with their father/paternal relatives/grandchildren.

For month-wise results on the Guru Transit period, please visit my blog AriesSign - Mesha Rasi

How to read the Guru Peyarchi (Guru transit) results? 

1. You must understand that everyone's Mahadasa will have more impact in their life @ if a person goes through an excellent Mahadasa period, his/her life would remain very comfortable, despite the unfavorable results mentioned under the Guru and/or Shani transits. The results derived from the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact on your life either in the positive or in the negative direction.

2. The next important factor is everyone's Antardasa period; it will have an impact on the native’s life next only to the Mahadasa results @ the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact in our life and the Antardasa period will have an 30% impact on our life.

3. The Pratyantaradasa results are also important, if the Pratynataradasa period will last for more than 2 months. In that case, we must take into account of the results derived from Pratyantaradasa period.

4. Then you must also take it into account of the results under the transits of all 7 planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Shani). Here the Shani transits a single zodiac sign for 2 1/2 years, Guru (1 year), Sun, Mercury and Venus (1 month), Mars (1 1/2 months) and Moon (2 1/4 days). Hence the transit results of Shani and Guru will have a more impact in our life, because of their longer durations. But the transit results of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon are also very vital in calculating the nature of lifestyle that we can expect for the future. Thus, the transit results of all the 7 planets will also have an 20% impact on our life on collective basis.

5. Due to the longer duration of Shani transits for 2 1/2 years, it will have an impact of 10% in our life either in the positive direction or in the negative directions.

6. Similar manner, the transit results of Guru will also bring 5% impact in our life either in the positive or in the negative directions.

7. The remaining 5 planets @ Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus will have an impact of 5% impact on our life on collective basis.

8. You must understand that the Guru transit results or Shani transit results or all other planet's transit results must be read based both on your Moon sign and also on your Sun sign.

* The Moon Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Moon during your birth in your natal chart. 
* The Sun Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Sun during your birth in your natal chart. 

For example: If your Moon sign is Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) and your Sun sign is Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign), then you must look at the transit results both under the Mesha Rasi and also under the Kanni Rasi. You would defienetly experience the impact of the results that are mentioned both under the Mesha Rasi and the Kanni Rasi.

Guru Pariharam:

For details on Pariharam for Guru, please visit Guru Pariharam (Remedial Measures). There are number of simple methods are advised. You can choose anyone or combination of any methods (that are available). But the period of Pariharam must be longer than 9 weeks and must be done in a consistent manner to enjoy better results. 

Guru Ashtakavarga strength: How to calculate Guru Ashtakavargastrength?

The Financial Forecast Results for Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) would be posted regularly. For results on all other Planets transit results for the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign), please visit my blog MeshaRasi (Aries sign)

For Personalized Horoscope Readings and Analysis on your natal chart, please visit the link in my blog: (Indian Readers)

For Personalized Horoscope Readings and Analysis on your natal chart, please visit the link in my blog (Overseas Readers)

For more on Shani Peyarchi Results (Saturn Transit Results), please visit my blog Lord Saneeswara 

For more details on 2017 Rahu/Ketu Transit Reults, please visit my blog 2017 - 2019 Rahu Ketu Transit Results

For details on Rahu Pariharam, visit my blog Rahu Pariharam

For details on Kethu Pariharam, visit my blog Kethu Pariharam

For more details & monthly updates on Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign), please visit my blog Aries Sign - Mesha Rasi 

For marital issues related to Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign), please visit my blog Love/Marriage/Sex for Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign)


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