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ARIES FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR 2017 FEBRUARY Career Environment : Career environment remaining comfortable during the entire month of February 2017. Career Stability (or) Career satisfaction : Disappointing career performances (or) facing career instability during the entire month of February 2017. Job Searching Environment: Comfortable job searching environment from 1 st to 12 th February 2017; and turning into profitable but uncomfortable from 13 th to 28 th February 2017 Desired Results on Job Searches: Good feedback from the employer (or) desired results on job searches from 3 rd to 9 th ; and from 16 th to 22 nd February 2017. Human Resource Management: Comfortable ties with junior level employees and laborers from 1 st to 22 nd February 2017; and turn profitable but uncomfortable from 23 rd to 28 th February 2017 Level of relationship with Employees/Laborers: Stronger ties with the junior level employees (or) laborers from 13 th to 16 th ;


Shani Transit Results for Aries Sign (2017 - 2020):  The Shani would be transiting into 9 th  place from the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign). The 9 th  house is considered as most benefic in the Vedic Astrology; hence the Shani would be positioning itself in the benefic place for the next 3 years during its transit into Dhanu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign). Thus the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) can expect a major relief in their life, since they might have suffered in the last few years due to the transit of Shani in the 8 th  house @ Virucikha Rasi as “Ashtama Shani”. Below chart indicates the position of Shani, while transiting into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) from your Mesha Rasi The Shani transits into Dhanusu Rasi on 26.01.2017 at 07.48 PM (Chennai as the Place) as per the Thirukkanitha Panchangam. The Shani would be transiting into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) from 26.01.2017; and becomes retrograde on 06.04.2017. The Shani would again re-enter the Viruchika Rasi (Scorpio